Saturday, January 29, 2011

Birthday WOD

In teams of three

Part 1:
Lift 6,000 lbs. from ground to overhead as a team

Part 2:
Each member of each team must complete 10 rounds of Cindy
(5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)

Part 3:
Each team member must move through the "spider web" without touching the web

Part 4:
As a team, elevate two members off the ground and sing Happy Birthday to both Heather and Lee without touching the ground


Telluride CrossFit said...

Happy Birthday today to Lee Roufa and Happy Birthday to Heather McClary on Sunday.
Please join us at the Buck tonight (Saturday) from 8:00 to 1:00 to raise money and awareness for JDRF, Junior Diabetes Research Foundation. See you there!

Telluride CrossFit said...

Fun workout today. If you miss Saturday WOD's you are missing out on a ton of fun CrossFit style!