Monday, December 27, 2010

12 Days of Christmas

The 12 days of CrossFit Christmas to be performed just like the song. One, then two and one, then three and two and one, etc. Have fun and Merry Christmas.

Day 1: Handstand Push-up
Day 2: Strict Pull-ups
Day 3: Cleans (95/65)
Day 4: Cartwheels
Day 5: Burpees
Day 6: Pledge Push-ups
Day 7: Knees to Elbows
Day 8: Box Jumps
Day 9: Mountain Climbers
Day 10: Kettlebell Swings
Day 11: Thrusters (95/65)
Day 12: Turkish Get-ups

Pyramid of Pain

Warm up:

Mobility Movements

For time:

50 Ab Mat Sit-ups
40 Wall Ball
30 Broad Jumps (6')
20 Overhead Squats (85/55)
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Push Press (85/55)
30 Ring Dips
40 Clapping Push-ups
50 Pull-ups

Full Range of Motion Handstand Push-ups

Mark showing us how to get all the way down on a true HSPU

KB Cards

Hold a Kettlebell for the entire deck of cards
Aces are 15 reps
Face cards are 10 reps

Spades = Push Press
Hearts = Kettlebell Swings
Clubs = Waiter Walks
Diamonds = Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls

Partner L-hold

With a partner complete 150 Push-ups
One person must hold an "L" on the rings while the other is working

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Max Front Squats

Max Push-ups

Max Sit-ups in 2 Minutes

Max Front Squat

Friday, December 10, 2010

Filthy Fifty after Paleo

For Time:

50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 KB Swings
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

Explosive Force

Pre WOD:

Tabata Hollow Body Holds
Tabata Plank Holds

AMRAP in 12 minutes:

2 Clapping Pull-ups
4 Clapping Push-ups
6 Broad Jumps (6 feet)

Grace after Paleo


30 Reps for Time

Clean and Jerk

Friday, December 3, 2010

"Easy Day"

100 Double Unders



Hamstring Push-ups
Waiter Walks (44/35)
Push Press (45/35)
Weighted Sit-ups

Wednesday Workout

500 Meter Row
50 Wall Ball
40 Tuck-ups
30 Strict Pull-ups
20 Cleans (135/95)
10 Turkish Get-ups (44/35)

Snatch Grip Dead-lifts

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

5 Dead-lifts with snatch grip (155/115)
5 Toes to Bar
5 Ab Mat Sit-ups

100's with a Partner

With a partner complete

100 Burpees
100 KB Swings
100 Push-ups
100 Pull-ups
100 Wall Ball
100 Double Unders

One person working at a time
Teammate not working must hold the bottom of a squat

Welcome Back Stash!!!

Great to have you back in the gym

Monday, November 29, 2010


A few weekends ago we made our floor a tone more solid by reinforcing it with another layer of plywood. That fixed the depressions as well as the noise from dropping weights. We also added a soon to be painted wall for handstand push-ups and wall ball shots. Thanks to Greg Hanshaw, Chris Norton, Dimitri Merrill, Mike Delsart, Joe Lawton, Chris White, Todd Rector, and everyone else who helped us improve our gym.

CrossFit Ogden

Our last stop for CrossFit was in Utah at CrossFit Ogden. This was a partner workout of burpees, push-ups, pull-ups, double unders, and KB swings. The gym shared space with a rock climbing gym. The big windows surrounding the gym created an open and bright, but cold atmosphere. Great workout and a great way to end our road trip to the Northwest.

CrossFit Advantage

Our next stop was at CrossFit Advantage in North Seattle. Teresa's sister Melynda goes to CFA on a semi regular basis. Today we were invited to do a "cool people only" workout at the gym. This was a team workout that consisted of an indoor and and outdoor component. In the outdoor part we had to take three rides down the hill on a sled. Teammates must push, pull, or drag you to the top. This was our first ever sledding WOD.

Hood River CrossFit

Today was our first CrossFit workout on the road. We had a very warm welcome at CrossFit Hood River in Oregon on a rainy day. It was great to run at low elevation after doing so many workouts above 8,000 ft. Cardiovascular endurance recovery was extremely fast, a ten second rest would give us almost 100% recovery.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holy Ballz

Push Press
Ring push-ups

For Time:
100 wall balls

Polish Burpees

For time:
100 burpees...
but every minute on the minute do...
10 double unders

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Parkour Workshop and Gymnastics Skills

Today in CrossFit we played like kids for two hours. We warmed up with gymnastics rolls, cartwheels, handstands, round offs, and dive rolls. Then we learned the basics of parkour in skills such as vault and precision jumps. In the end we all participated in a multi feature obstacle course in which athletes had to jump, swing, vault, balance and flip over gym equipment. I had a blast running this course and hope you did too.

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Here is our schedule for the week of Thanksgiving

Monday 7:00am and 5:45pm

Tuesday 7:00am and 5:45pm

Wednesday 7:00am (we may do a 5:45 if we have enough interest)

Also, we will add another class in the evening starting the week of November 29. We will cut the 5:45pm class and add a class at 5:15pm and 6:15pm.

Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving. See you when we return from the Northwest.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Heavy Duty Cleaning

Pre WOD:

1 Weighted Pull-up
2 Strict Pull-ups
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
4 Butterfly Pull-ups
5 Kipping Pull-ups

Try unbroken. For weight. Not for time.


Clean (155/115) 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps
Handstand Push-ups 5 reps, 10 reps, 15 reps

There is a Hehir in my soup!

Last Wednesday we ate some great paleo food with friends at Dan and Sue Hehir's place in Ophir. This was quite possibly the best tasting pot luck we have ever thrown together. As the evening progressed the food just got better and better. We feasted on coconut shrimp, spicy green chili soup, chicken curry, and elk. Thanks for making the trek to snowy Ophir for this unforgettable food experience.


TABATA (4 minutes)

Sumo Dead-lift High Pull
Rest One Minute
Rest One minute
Rest One Minute
Rest One Minute