Wednesday, April 4, 2012


For time:

30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Johnny Benett Muscle Up

After very few attempts, Johnny Bennett got his first muscle up. He may have been in inspired by the newly hung fire hose above the rings. Nice job chief!

CrossFit Hunger Games and the Honey Bear

Stay alive, outlast and outwit your opponents through a battle of epic magnitude. Complete 400 total reps of various exercises in the arena. Grab an implement and get to work! Competitors will be called in to the cornucopia to complete tasks such as one minute plank hold, sprint 200m, 30 tuck jumps, balance beam, one minute handstand and more. Fail to complete the task or be the last to finish and you are out!

"And may the odds be ever in your favor"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Max Pull-ups and Half BW Overhead Squats WOD

AMRAP in 10 minutes:

Max Pull-ups
200m Run

Rest 5 minutes, then.....

AMRAP in 10 minutes:

Max Overhead Squats (half bodyweight)
100 Running in place Single Unders

6:15 Fire-breathers Class

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sissy Test

Do you have what it takes, or are you a sissy? 

Unbroken for time: 

15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
1 Burpee
14 Kettlebell Swings
2 Burpees
13 Kettlebell Swings
3 Burpees
continue until 1 Kettlebell Swing and 15 Burpees

If it was easy it would be called .............